"I come from a proud family, that have been involved with public service for as long as I can remember. I want to work for you and ensure that your rights are protected and get the proper resluts. We need to create more living wage jobs, improve our schools, and make public safety priority - especially getting guns off the streets. With decades of government experience, I know what it takes to find solutions and navigate the complicated governmental agencies, and get things done."
I realize that college is not for everyone, howver, as your Congressman, I will do all that I can to ensure that every American citizen has a fair and equal opportunity to get a free education or technical training, without the preasures of how it will be paid for it after completion of programs. As a college graduate, I remember the burden of paying for my education after I gratduated. I struggled to maintain my credit and pay my loans at the same time, the loans took precedence over other financial obligations that were equaliy important or greater. I believe that an educated society is vitally important to the national security of this country, technology and its advancements change rapidly and we need to be able to keep up and or become the trend setter of which other countries would copy.
Our country resources ought to be able to empliment a plan of action that would assure housing for everyone of its citizens. I do not believe that the great multitudes of people who live on the streets, makes a concious choice to do o. A roof over ones head a a decent meal is the least that this country can do for its own people. I know that we can achieve these goal of housing and feeding all of our citizens. Especially, since we can give billions of our tax dollars to do the same thing for other countries and they have no vested interest in America. We need to develop more cooperative home communities, wherein the residents have a vested interest in ownership of the property in which they live and offer growth of the same. This would make the tenants more responsible for the maintaince and upkeep of their houses; therefore making of a moe responsible neighbor who is motivated to take care of their investments.
I believe that we the people, not only the, poor, disadvantaged wealthy, brown, black, white and red people, in oder to form a more perfect union, should have a congressional represenative who is honest and has integerity; willing to fight for the people of which they represent. We must learn to embrace the diffrences of each culture and ethnic differences. Some lifestyles may not be for each of us, to accept or understand, but the various types of people are who we are and those differences are incoporated into the fabric of our society. Therefore, we can learn to live together as a community or perish as fools. Sometimes it takes a bit of chaos to reveal that peace and order is the viable choice, that we must choose at the end of the day. And We the people are seeking a more perfect union, which we fall short of achieving so long as, there is a great devide among the people. We must set aside our differences and plege to work together for the good of mankind. I have worked with the departments of justice and have seen first hand the roots of many crimes and the effects of violence. However, I believe in the right to be a responsible gun owner and it is our duty to make sure that the guns don't end up in the hands of those, who would use them to rob, steal and kill for their own means. I have fought for the rights of others and advocated for the disadvantaged before vavious governmental agencies.
Health care is a right, since our Government is the determing factor as to how food and drugs are adminstred and sold to its people; via Food and Drug Administrattion and that same government has the final say, in so much as to what or how much bi-products are allowed in our food, we consume food and drugs; then that same Government should be equally responsible for the health care of its people, as a consequence of allowing the use and consumotion of the food and drugs that harm the health of the people. Especially since many of those same foods and drugs are/can be life threatening aa they come with many comlications or side effects, of which the public is unaware of; with all of the dangers involved with their use. I will strive to ensure that health care is a basic right of the people. A healthy America is a strong America and only the strong survive.
We must protect our wild life and preservation of the land, because land management is one of our greatest assets and it insures our co-exsistence as a people in a environmently safe ecosphere we call earth. We cannot allow polution or over useage of the land to go unchecked. We need to realize that we cannot eat money and profit and financial gain, does not make for a healthy and safe enviroment. We deserve to have a healthy and safe environment in which we work and play, to ensure our generations after will have the same enjoyments. We must ensure that the quality of water is safe for human consumption and the air is less polluted; we have to work at keeping global warming to a minimum and the quality of air ought to be clean as well.