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Why has Carson has been misleading Voters with false claims and will not appear at the public debate..?

Do we want Congress and Senators to blantanly lie to us..? On several different occassion Mr. Carson made claims that he personally wrote several Bills that have passed committee and then the house and "signed into law by President Obama. And that is not true. Carson notes that some of his personal career highlights have included saving the Amtrak facility in Beech Grove and having two bills signed into law by the president, a process that usually takes a Congressman 10 to 20 years, that he was able to accomplish in only five. Since Mr. Carson will not agree to a debate, how could the constituents know what he stands for and positions on issues..?

Fact checked: and not true or remotely true.


The City of Indianapolis has given away millions of public dollars in land and grant money; that belongs to the citizens.


Those same companies were private developers and for profit. However, the citizens cannot get any funds for community centers to address the issues of gun violence in our communities. I believe that when land and money that belongs to the people, ought to benefit the people. As a citizen, I want to know how those kinds of give aways benefit us? Our children have no safe places to go and play, in the summer the parks have no swimming pools open to give them relief from the heat.  Our parks are poorly kept and have weeds and debris throughout. Putting more police on the street is not the fix all and end all to the problems of violence without addressing the mental health issues.


The State of Indiana announced that it had discovered a windfall account that no one knew about.

Furthermore, what has the Indiana done with over 400 hundred million dollars, which was iniatlly for the aide and assist the very people, that were denied services and or services were cut form those most needing it? Also was there a legal proscution   the person(s')responsible for hiding of the account, since no one was supposed to know about it.? Shouldn't those same monies be given back to the people; after all they sacrifised and the money should be used for the people of Indiana?  Also, how can the state propose a civil rights bill for the prevention of discrimination, against certain people, when it does not include all culture, ethnic groups including religion, and sexual prefrerences?

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